There will come a time in your life as a homeowner when you might need to get a furnace replacement in North Vancouver. If your furnace is more than 20 years old, it's time to get a new one not just to ensure that you have a heating source at home but also to ensure that it’s running efficiently and not costing you so much money during the winter season.
When getting a furnace replacement in North Vancouver, here are a few things you need to know:
Compare the AFUE percentage
Go with a unit that will provide the most efficiency if you don’t want to be saddled with a high electricity bill. To do that, you need to check its Annual Fuel Utilization Efficiency percentage. If it is less than 80%, look for something else. They might cost you more money but you will get that money back with your savings on your electric bills.
Find those that will give you a rebate
Find out if the unit you are thinking of getting will give you a rebate from your energy provider. That can also offer huge savings.
Always buy the right size of furnace
Size matters when you’re buying a furnace. The bigger the furnace, the more heat it expels. If you are heating up a small home and using a big furnace, you could end up experiencing short cycling problems and a high electricity bill.
ProGas North Shore can help you make the right decisions in furnace replacement. Make sure you have this done by a professional to avoid problems in the future.
To know more about Heating in North Vancouver please visit our website: