Friday, October 6, 2017

Converting Wood Fireplace to Gas – Will You Regret It?

If you’ve had a wood fireplace for a long time now and considering making the switch to gas fireplaces in North Vancouver, you’re probably wondering whether this is really the right step for you. After all, the kind of fireplace you operate at home is a big deal. It’s a system you will rely on heavily during the winter season so it’s important that it’s the right choice for you.
Most people who have converted from a wood fireplace into Gas Fireplaces in North Vancouver didn’t regret making the change. These people find gas fireplaces more convenient to use as there is no need to start a fire using wood and wait for a long time before it actually starts heating up the entire house. Sure, there’s something cozy about wood fireplaces but it still doesn’t trump the convenience that gas fireplaces bring.
Gas is also less risky to the health. Burning wood can be unsafe for your health. It might also be more dangerous because the sparks and embers can just fly to the rest of the room. If you have flammable materials nearby, this can cause a fire.
Many homeowners who have both gas and wood fireplace in their home also say they use their gas fireplace more than their wood-burning ones. That’s because they’re easier to use and they are more efficient.
It isn’t that costly to make the switch either, especially with contractors such as Pro Gas North Shore around. You can have your wood-burning fireplace replaced with a gas one with minimal changes in your home heating system’s layout.


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