Friday, April 3, 2020

Having Your HVAC System Replaced? Here’s what to Expect

Are you getting new HVAC in North Vancouver installed soon? You might be wondering if this is going to be a disrupting procedure and whether or not you should vacate your home while you let the professionals work. 

Here are the things you should expect when having new HVAC in North Vancouver installed:

1.   The process can take 8-14 hours

Why does it take so long? It’s because the contractors will first assess your current system and formulate a plan that will ensure a seamless installation. They will have to take out the old one and then install a new one. There are a lot of technical things that are going to happen, so expect the process to last for a few hours. You should allot half a day to oversee the work. 

2.   Your contractor will need access to where your HVAC system is 

You should be there to help them find easy access to the HVAC system. That includes clearing out the area if you have belongings there. You also need to make sure that there are no dogs or children playing around to prevent accidents. 

3.   They might need to do some repair on your ductwork 

They will check the condition of your ductwork before installing the HVAC system. If they see issues that need to be repaired, they will add that to the things that they need to do. 

4.   It can get noisy

It can get a little noisy but with good contractors, they will try to keep things more organized to minimize disturbances in your home. 

When it comes to getting your HVAC system replaced, you should rely on professionals such as ProGas North Shore. You would want experts to do the job to prevent accidents or poor installation. 

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