Monday, April 8, 2019

How to Take Care of Your Home’s Air Furnace

Your air furnace is an important part of your home’s heating in North Vancouver. And just like everything that generates heat, you need to keep it in great shape in order to prevent it from causing major issues like fires. 

Here are the steps you need to take in order to take care of your home’s heating in North Vancouver:

1. Inspect and clean the air filters. 

It should be easy to access the air filters of your furnace. If you don’t know where to find it, refer to the manual. A dirty filter reduces the efficiency of your furnace, which means you might have to deal with a high electricity bill.
Take out the dirty air filter and clean it if it is washable. If not, replace it with the recommended type of filter. 

2. Make sure the vents of your home are also cleaned.

This is where the heated air will be directed. If they are full of collected dirt, air won’t pass through easily. This can cause hot air to back up and trigger short cycling. Have your vents cleaned during a routine maintenance. 

3. Annual maintenance should be done.

Heating systems should be serviced by professionals like ProGas North Shore every year, ideally before the start of the winter season. Professionals will clean your furnace and also diagnose potential problems that need to be fixed right away. 

If you take care of your furnace, it will also take care of you. Don’t neglect this part of your home, so you can keep your home comfortable in the winter season.

To know more about Progas North Vancouver please visit our website:


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