Monday, August 9, 2021

3 Things You Can Do to Care For Your Water Heater

Water heaters can last for years but you also need to stay on top of the maintenance routine to ensure that your heaters will not break down fast. Here are a few things that you can do to reduce the toll on your hot water heater: 

1. Reduce the temperature. 

You might not like the idea of reducing your water temperature but according to reports, most people don’t feel that much of a difference when they turn down the thermostat temperature a notch or two. It’s still fit for showering but helps reduce energy consumption and prevents the hot water system from getting overly loaded. 

2. Drain the tank. 

For those that make use of hot water tank systems, make sure to drain a quarter of the water content a couple of times every year. This is needed to remove debris that is in your water tank. 

3. Check the temperature-pressure regulator valve. 

Make sure it is working properly and that there are no leaks to the valve. s

When do you need to get a hot water tank replacement in Vancouver? 

If your unit is already old and showing signs of deterioration such as rust particles and leaks in the tank, you might need to get the help of professionals such as ProGas North Shore to help you install a new tank. Also, check if your current system is not delivering consistent heat because that can be indicative of its age as well. Get a hot water tank replacement in Vancouver to make sure that you can safely get hot water in your home. 

For more details  about Furnace Service in Vancouver please visit our website:


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