Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Save on Your Water Heating Bill with These Tips!

Did you know that water heating accounts for 12% of your over-all electrical usage? So if you are one of those people dreading their winter season energy bills, you would want to look for ways to lower down your energy consumption.
There are many ways to cut down on water heating consumption. Here are some of the best tips you can use:
  1. Use less water and cut down your bathing time.
Save those lengthy bath times for when the season is a lot warmer. This winter, you would want to make your bath time as quick as your hygiene habits will allow. This way, you will use less water and your Hot Water Heating services in North Vancouver won’t spend so much time functioning.
  1. Turn down the thermostat.
Turning down the thermostat a degree or two can go a long way in reducing heating costs. It shouldn’t have a huge difference in the temperature of your bathing water.
  1. Keep you water pipes insulated.
If the pipes are exposed to cold air, the water that flows through them will be cold and difficult to heat up. But if you insulate your pipes, heating up water to your desired temperature will become much easier.
Investing on more efficient types of hot water heating in North Vancouver such as tankless water heaters is also a good idea. Tankless water heaters that you can find from Pro Gas North Shore are on-demand water heaters that only heat up water as you need them.

For more details About Pro Gas North Shore please visit our website: progas.ca


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