Thursday, January 12, 2017

4 Reasons to Get Gas Fireplace Insert

Old gas fireplaces in North Vancouver are not only notorious for their inefficiency but may also become a source of unhealthy smoke that can stay inside your home, causing any number of illness. This is where the benefits of an insert for Gas Fireplaces in North Vancouver come in.
Here are some of the reasons why you should get one for your existing gas fireplace:
  1. It offers efficiency.
This system, which basically operates by placing a pellet insert, offers up to 80% efficiency for many old gas fireplaces. If you can’t afford to change your entire fireplace system just yet, this can be your best and cheapest option.
  1. It is greener.
The insert can be operated using alternative source of fuels like dried-up and withered cherry pits. These are not only more sustainable and greener but are also cheaper.
  1. It can heat up a good amount of space.
Depending on the heat capacity of your existing fireplace and the size of your existing fuel hopper, an average insert works in heating up to 2,500 square feet of space.
  1. It’s easy to use.
It’s basically a no-brainer to use. You just feed the pellets and the system will work in burning it. In some inserts, all you need to do is set your thermostat and the stove will automatically do its work.
But before installing a pellet insert for your existing gas fireplace, make sure you consult an experienced HVAC technician first such as Pro Gas North Shore. This is to make sure that you are using the right kind of insert and that it is installed properly and safely in your heating system.

For more details please visit our website or contact us:


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